Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No more wellness class!

Well, i am done with my wellness class, and no longer have to write anything for that class, but I'm still going to write in my blog. I want to keep writing about how my health goals are going, but i also want to write about a bunch of other random things, just whatever i feel like writing about :)
Okay so this morning i woke up and started watching Tom and Jerry! Man, that brought back so many memories. Does anyone else miss those shows back in the day when you were just kids?? :) Those were the good cartoons...quality :D. Yeah just though i'd share that :) I'll write anything else when it pops into my head :D

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wii Fit

The Wii fit that Amanda brought to class was really cool. It was very interactive, and i could see how you could actually get some real excercise on it while also having a lot of fun with the games. I'm glad that she brought it and since i do have one at home, i might use it more. Although i dont have the fit part of it...maybe i should buy it :)

March of Dimes

I really enjoyed myself at the March of Dimes Walk that we had this past Saturday. It was a lot of fun being able to be part of something that can help and make a difference in so many people's lives. I liked being with all of the other people who were there to help from cfcc, and also watching the walkers pass by. I also loved the pet, or animal, station as well. People who brought their dogs on the walk could let them get a drink too, while they were getting a drink. The horse that Emma brought, so that people could take pictures with was so adorable! It was a good idea to bring it. Like i said, it feels great to be part of something that can help so many people, and it makes me feel good to know that i can make some sort of difference, even if it's in a small way.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today, in class, we talked about ways of dealing with stresses in our lives, and we shared with each other what we do for stress ourselve. There were a lot of good ideas, and i might even try some of them, but i didnt really suggest anything, because i used to have a way of coping with my stress (wasnt really a good thing) but i dont really have a way to deal with stress anymore. I have been reading a lot though since ive stopped using the other way to relieve my stress. Reading and just sleeping or laying down or watching a movie all by my self in my room where no one or nothing can really bother me and i can just block out everything and not think about it, so that's good.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dancing With the Stars

So we just did the dancing with the stars exercise video and it was actually really fun. I hate to dance and stuff because i kind of feel embarrassed, but i just did it and it was a lot of fun. I have some Zumba videos at my house and i think that i might start doing those with my mom. This might also teach me how to dance for the prom :) which is a good thing, so i dont just stand by the wall or something. Whatever :) it was lots of fun like i said and ill probably do more of this type of exercise. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The whole body air displacement plethysmography is using air displacement technology for measuring and tracking body fat and lean mass. For this procedure you would need a BodPod by life measurements instruments, concord, CA. This machine measures the body composition by determining body volume and body weight. You cannot exercise for the two previous hours because you have to be fully rested and hydrated. Your body weight is measured by using scales, and body volume is measured by first measuring the volume of the chamber while empty then the volume of the subject chamber is measured with the subject is inside. By subtraction, the volume of the subject is determined. Once those body volumes are determined, the body density can be computed and inserted into an equation to provide percent fat measurements. The advantages are a high level of accuracy, ease for use, and fast test time. It is well suited for children, obese, and elderly, and disabled persons. I think that this is a good procedure, but the only bad thing is that the machine used for this procedure is very expensive, like 30 to 40 thousand dollars expensive, and I don’t really have that much money to be spending on that, so an alternative is using under water weighing, even though you get wet it costs a lot less than buying a BOD POD.
The waist to hip ratio is to test the ration of the waist circumference to the hip circumference because it has been related to the risk of coronary heart disease. All you need is a tape measure and simply calculate the measurements of the waist of the waist girth divided by the hip girth. Less than 85 is excellent, between .85 and .90 is good, between .90 and .95 is average, between .95 and 1.00, and over 1.00 is extreme. The advantages of this procedure are that it can be taken at home with anyone to monitor their own body composition levels.
I think that this procedure is a good test to do, because you can see whether your risk of coronary heart disease are high or not and you can either prevent it of get help for it if you find out that you have it. I am planning on trying out this procedure when I get a chance to, I need a tape measure and that’s about it so when I do the test ill post up my results ASAP :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

so we just did another fitness test and i did 20 push ups, 32 crunches, and 13 sit-ups and we walk for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guided Imagery

We just did this sort of meditation thing for relaxation, and to be honest it didn't really work that well. I mean, it got me relaxed, and after walking those 1 and a half miles it helped me wind down, but it didn't put me in a deep deep deep relaxation type thing like i guess it's supposed to. I guess we're supposed to listen to it more, like twice a day or week for several weeks, and that's when you really relax and start to imagine all the things that it's saying. It was really nice...maybe ill go out and get a cd like that to help me relax whenever i get stressed...


The post that i just posted was for about 1 1/2 miles not 2 miles.

Just Finished Walking 2 Miles

My legs hurt a little afterwards, but im getting used to the walking and maybe next time ill jog it all or at least jog one mile

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hoop Path

Today we learned about hoola hooping for relaxation and rehabilitation. This came from the Maidan who thought of the "sacred circle" as a very important aspect of their lives. The guy in the video found this as a way to get out of his depression and to rehabilitate from a shoulder injury. He is a very spiritual guy, and the way he talks about it is with a lot of feeling towards it. The video then just teaches us the ways to use the hoop in different exercises and to connect with the inside of your body. It was a really interesting video.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I havent really been tracking what i have been eating, but i know that i have been eating healthier. I havent been eating as much sweet stuff as i used to be. It's really hard to track what i eat because im so busy...although i have tried, it just doesnt work. but i know im eating better.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today we walked for about 10 or 15 minutes, and my legs really hurt. I t was raining and i really didnt feel like walking today, but i did it. We have been keeping track of what we have been eating...i havent, but for the next four days i will be keeping a diary of what i eat so i can post it up.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We measured our resting heart rate today in class and mine was 96 beats per minute.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wellness Plan

Wellness Plan

My physical wellness is okay I guess. I don’t really do regular exercise, but I walk a lot during my day around the campus, so I think that’s pretty good as far as that goes. I would definitely like to get more active and improve my physical wellness; maybe exercising more, and not being as lazy as I am, I’m not that lazy, but I have those days where I can be. I don’t do any drugs or alcohol, so in that department, I’m clear. I think that it’s gross and if I do end up doing it one day there could be a chance that it could be addictive and I am perfectly happy staying away from that risk. As for my nutritional assessment, I think I’m pretty decent. I try to eat as healthy as I can, but I do eat junk food a lot of the time. I don’t eat a lot though, I eat junk food but it’s in small portions and I don’t overdo it, so I don’t think that it’s so unhealthy. Socially, I think that I am good. I don’t have tons and tons of friends, but I do have a few very good friends that I can count on. They make me happy and that is very important. I don’t go out like a lot of people. I’m more of a stay at home type of person, unless it’s with my best friends. Spiritually, I’m okay. I don’t go to church as much as I people say I should, but I still believe in God, so why do I have to go to a church to prove that, if I know in my heart that I do. I could use a little work on my emotional assessment. I tend to take things to serious a lot of the time. I can cry over the littlest thing, or get worked up and stressed over little, minor details. I don’t have a temper or anything, as a matter a fact, I don’t get mad very often, it’s pretty rare, and it’s just, I get sad or upset easily and when I do get angry I don’t yell or get all crazy and hysterical, I kind of just get sad I guess. Which leads into the whole stress assessment, I don’t like stress, and I don’t think that I handle it very well. I’m not cool under pressure, and the emotional and the stress assessments are what I really want to try to work on to try and make them better. Intellectually I think I’m good. I take school and my future very seriously, because that is what is going to help me in the goals that I want to reach. Occupationally, I’m not really doing so well. I don’t have a job, and my parents basically pay for everything that I do, or want. I hate it. I want to be able to pay for my own stuff and not have to ask them for money all the time. I am currently applying for jobs everywhere I can, but either no one is hiring or they don’t choose me because I don’t have the experience. How can I get experience, if I can’t get a job? My environmental assessment is okay. It’s not spectacular, but I do try to do my part to save the environment. I recycle paper, aluminum cans, and the plastic bottles. I got my whole family to do it to, so that feels pretty good. I buy a lot of things that are recycled, like my tote bags that I use are either made from environmentally safe material, or recycled material, so that’s good.
My long term and short term goals are to become a healthier person by eating healthier foods every day, exercising at least thirty minutes every day, manage how I deal with stress better by trying not to get worked up over little things that aren’t that important. I will attain these goals by making a chart for what I eat every day and making sure that it is healthy; making a chart to keep track of my exercising routine every day; and keep track of how I am handling stressful situations by writing down what I do and learning from that.