Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wellness Plan

Wellness Plan

My physical wellness is okay I guess. I don’t really do regular exercise, but I walk a lot during my day around the campus, so I think that’s pretty good as far as that goes. I would definitely like to get more active and improve my physical wellness; maybe exercising more, and not being as lazy as I am, I’m not that lazy, but I have those days where I can be. I don’t do any drugs or alcohol, so in that department, I’m clear. I think that it’s gross and if I do end up doing it one day there could be a chance that it could be addictive and I am perfectly happy staying away from that risk. As for my nutritional assessment, I think I’m pretty decent. I try to eat as healthy as I can, but I do eat junk food a lot of the time. I don’t eat a lot though, I eat junk food but it’s in small portions and I don’t overdo it, so I don’t think that it’s so unhealthy. Socially, I think that I am good. I don’t have tons and tons of friends, but I do have a few very good friends that I can count on. They make me happy and that is very important. I don’t go out like a lot of people. I’m more of a stay at home type of person, unless it’s with my best friends. Spiritually, I’m okay. I don’t go to church as much as I people say I should, but I still believe in God, so why do I have to go to a church to prove that, if I know in my heart that I do. I could use a little work on my emotional assessment. I tend to take things to serious a lot of the time. I can cry over the littlest thing, or get worked up and stressed over little, minor details. I don’t have a temper or anything, as a matter a fact, I don’t get mad very often, it’s pretty rare, and it’s just, I get sad or upset easily and when I do get angry I don’t yell or get all crazy and hysterical, I kind of just get sad I guess. Which leads into the whole stress assessment, I don’t like stress, and I don’t think that I handle it very well. I’m not cool under pressure, and the emotional and the stress assessments are what I really want to try to work on to try and make them better. Intellectually I think I’m good. I take school and my future very seriously, because that is what is going to help me in the goals that I want to reach. Occupationally, I’m not really doing so well. I don’t have a job, and my parents basically pay for everything that I do, or want. I hate it. I want to be able to pay for my own stuff and not have to ask them for money all the time. I am currently applying for jobs everywhere I can, but either no one is hiring or they don’t choose me because I don’t have the experience. How can I get experience, if I can’t get a job? My environmental assessment is okay. It’s not spectacular, but I do try to do my part to save the environment. I recycle paper, aluminum cans, and the plastic bottles. I got my whole family to do it to, so that feels pretty good. I buy a lot of things that are recycled, like my tote bags that I use are either made from environmentally safe material, or recycled material, so that’s good.
My long term and short term goals are to become a healthier person by eating healthier foods every day, exercising at least thirty minutes every day, manage how I deal with stress better by trying not to get worked up over little things that aren’t that important. I will attain these goals by making a chart for what I eat every day and making sure that it is healthy; making a chart to keep track of my exercising routine every day; and keep track of how I am handling stressful situations by writing down what I do and learning from that.

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